Hello Everyone,

I look forward to meeting and seeing you all this Friday at 9:00am in Room N10/12. Please read and copy the syllabus below. 

Note; Everyone will need to bring a single work to show to class this Friday. If you do not have a physical work, you may show an image from your computer. 

Class Agenda This Friday;

1) Everyone will present a work and talk about its content or the ideas in the work.

2) What do you want to achieve this semester for your work? And what is the main issue that keeps this from coming about?

3) What artist, thinker, scientist, writer, musician, etc. are you looking at in regards to your work?


California College of the Arts

INST; David Huffman   ROOM N10/12



Instructor Contact Information
Email:  dhuffman@cca.edu



          For junior and senior painting students who are independent and committed. You should expect the results of one project to lend momentum, inspiration, and continuity to the next, and so on. You will learn to bring closure to a painting or to a body of work, and come to grips with the idea of exhibiting your work publicly. You will learn to participate in and value constructive criticism. All students are expected to share insights, explorations and questions during class discussion.


Class Goals
         This class is a culmination of the undergraduate painting program; in it you will focus intently on your chosen subject matter, and formal approach, in order to develop a cohesive body of work.  This class will develop your technical skills and your critical facilities in the following ways; you will continue to expand your technical skills with an emphasis on mastering your materials and will utilize and expand your critical skills as we exchange ideas about your work in critiques. You will determine where your work fits in the art world by looking at art and deciding which art and artists your body of work is most related to. You will finish the class with a consistent body of work, a body of work that is ready to show to the exhibition spaces or graduate programs that you may wish to pursue as your career develops. This course is designed to challenge your work and to help you make the best work you can.


First Class

For our first class we will have everyone introduce themselves and bring a sample of your work to show. In addition, you will  give answers to the following questions:

How do you want your work to grow ? What ideas or concerns are you implementing in your work? What are some of your challenges? What artist are you looking at presently that is in some way helping you with your work? Please bring a sample of your work to show to the class. If you do not have a physical work, you may show an image of a work from your computer.


Attendance Policy

         Three(3) unexcused absences will result in a failing grade. Arriving to class late or leaving early three times equals one(1) unexcused absence.


         Your grade will reflect your development and improvement throughout the course. Completion of homework assignments, participation in critiques, attendance, and a positive learning attitude will all be considered.


Studio Specific Techniques
         You will be required to work in your studio, both during class time and outside of class on your own time. A consistent practice of working in your studio is extremely important to developing a body of work and will be heavily emphasized in this class.

Methods of Critical Analysis
         By participating in critiques you will develop your abilities of critical analysis and verbal communication. You will evaluate artworks, identify challenges and stumbling blocks, and offer support and suggestion to your student colleagues. We will exchange ideas, about your process and discoveries, as you deepen your engagement with your work.

Research Skills
         You will conduct research about art and artists by examining successful artworks, in museum collections, contemporary exhibits and through books, and through thinking about where your work fits in the art world and to which artists your work is most related.
         In order to deepen your engagement with your own body of work you will be required to keep a notebook/sketchbook, for researching ideas relevant to your artwork, which I will review frequently.

Knowledge of Historical and Contemporary Context
         You will acquire knowledge of the historical and contemporary context of your visual practice by learning about a number of artists from a variety of periods and thinking about how your developing style intersects with historical and contemporary styles.