This course is an introduction to industry-standard digital illustration tools from the vantage point of a working artist. The course will cover the basics of creating artwork on the Mac with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Students will also learn how to prepare a large-format print using the lab equipment (pending availability during campus re-organization). This course is mandatory for all Illustration majors.
CCA’s Learning Outcomes For ILLUS-206 “Digital Tools”
In addition to the college-wide course learning outcomes, this class will strive to implement these specific program outcomes:
• Students will create compelling illustrations using Photoshop and Illustrator
• Students will use photographs and scanners to incorporate analog elements (Drawing and Painting) into their digital files
• Students will learn the basics of layout with Adobe Illustrator
• Students will be able to prepare and print frame-ready images on a high-quality printer
• Students will be able to prepare a print-ready illustration file for clients (prepress)
• Students will develop Conceptual Problem-Solving using sketches and innovation toward final artworks using digital media.
- Instructor: Diego Gomez