Enrollment options

Junior Project 1 Description:

This is the first in a series of iterative production courses, which build in complexity and skills toward the Senior Animation Project. In this class students will complete a short animation project. The project will utilize the fundamental principles learned in the 1st year and 2nd year animation courses. The goal of this class is to develop an understanding of the animation workflow as it relates to completing self-directed work.

Junior Project 2 Description:

This course builds on the production skills learned in Junior Project 1 as well as the studio practices learned in Animation-2 and 3D Animation-2. The goal of this course is to prepare students for their Senior Animation Project. In this class, students will develop a unique short film. The goal of this class is to develop an understanding of the animation workflow as it relates to completing a short film.

Course Description

This class will educate students about the animation production process, with specific attention given to preparation for their Senior Project. This class will build on the animation skills learned in previous classes and demonstrate how they are integrated into a production pipeline and workflow. The project will focus on producing a polished, short, animated piece of at minimum 20-30 seconds. Strategic Planning, Research and Development, Pre-production, Production Workflow, Professionalism, Critique, and Presentation/Delivery and Distribution will be covered throughout the student's progress. Students are encouraged to form groups, take on specific roles, and produce a more elaborate (or somewhat longer) animated short. Students are expected to actively help co-create a supportive and creative production team to support each other’s growth and progress. A sketchbook is expected specifically for this course and is expected to be kept active throughout the course.

Topics covered in the class will include:

  • - Artistic Voice and Personal Expression

  • - Idea development and artistic research (sketchbook)

  • - Story and character development (design iteration)

  • - Visual and auditory storytelling/ cinematic language

  • - Visual development (sketchbook)

  • - Production workflow and strategic planning

  • - Work will be critiqued regularly in class (Dailies and BTS will be shared regularly in a supportive environment)

  • - Professional Development in context, presentation, and pitching to various audiences, including your colleagues and peers, as well as to producers, gallerists, funders or other interested external parties.

  • - Professional and Practical topics of specific interest to the students in the course

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